THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SELECTED HYMNS HIERODEACON GERMAN RYABTSEV CD booklet pages The Igor Matvienko Production Centre Epiphany the Baptism of the Lord is one of the Twelve Great feasts of the Russian Orthodox Church On that day Christ came to John the Baptist who was preaching on the Jordan River to be baptized by him The moment Jesus came up out of the water the heavens opened and John saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending on Jesus There was a voice of God the Father saying: This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased Thus John the Baptist realized Jesus was the due Messiah the Son of God The CD contains selected chants of the feast’s divine services and of the rite of the Great Sanctification of Water which on those days takes place in the churches on the rivers or at the springs The motets When Thou O Lord wast baptised in the Jordan and some others are performed with reverence by

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Monastic Choir
of the Valaam Monastery
Precentor Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)
Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)
Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)
The Twelve Great Feasts
The Choir Of The Don Cossacks conducted by SERGE ZHAROV
Monastic Choir
of the Valaam Monastery
Precentor Hierodeacon David
Choir of the Moscow Theological Academy and the Laura
of the Holy Trinity
Choir of the Representation Church
of the Laura of the Holy Trinity
and St.Sergius in Moscow
Precentor Vladimir Gorbik
Hymns of the Twelve and other Great Feasts of the Russian Orthodox Church
The Choir of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in the village of Tarychevo
Precentor Lyudmila Arshavskaya
The combined Choir of the Laura of the Caves in Kiev and the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary conducted by Hierodeacon Kirill (Borisevich)
The Metropolitan Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves
in Kiev conducted by M.S.Litvinenko
The Choir of St.Jonah’s Monastery
of the Holy Trinity
Precentor Dmitry Bolgarsky
The Choir of the Laura of the Caves in Kiev conducted by Dmitry Bolgarsky
Divine Services celebrated by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow
Hymns of the Byzantine tradition
The St.John of Damascus children’s and youth choir at the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in St.Petersburg
Precentor Irina Boldysheva
The Moscow Churches" Choir of Singers
Precentor Anatoly Kuleshov
THE ‘SVETILEN’ Ensemble of Folk and Religious Music
The choir of the church of. st. Nicholas in Tallinn. Conducted by Igor Vrona
The choir of the Sanaksar monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God





2 CD (booklet 20 pages)
 2004 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre

Epiphany (the Baptism of the Lord) is one of the Twelve Great feasts of the Russian Orthodox Church. On that day Christ came to John the Baptist, who was preaching on the Jordan River, to be baptized by him. The moment Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens opened and John saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending on Jesus. There was a voice of God the Father, saying: «This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased ». Thus John the Baptist realized Jesus was the due Messiah, the Son of God.

The CD contains selected chants of the feast’s divine services and of the rite of the Great Sanctification of Water, which on those days takes place in the churches, on the rivers or at the springs. The motets «When Thou, O Lord, wast baptised in the Jordan» and some others are performed with reverence by Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev) in Valaam and Znamenny chants.

2 CD and color booklet (20 pages) in Russian and in English with explanations and the text of the Devine service.

	 At Vespers:
1.	 «Lord, I have cried…» [with Psalms] (tone two****)
2.	 Stanzas for: «Lord, I have cried…» (tone two*)
	 «The Forerunner, beholding our Illuminator…»
	 «The flowing streams of the Jordan…»
	 «Save but a lost man…»
3.	 «Glory, both now and ever…»
	 «Thou didst bow Thy head unto the Forerunner…» (tone two*)
4.	 «O Gladsome Light…» (tone two*)
5.	 «The Old Testament readings and troparion…**»
	 At Compline:
6.	 «God is with us…» (tone eight**)
7.	 «The day is past…» (tone eight****)
8.	 The Creed

	 At Matins:
1.	 «God is the Lord…» (tone one****)
	 Troparion for the feast «When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan…» (tone one**)
2.	 «Praise ye the name of the Lord…***»
3.	 The Exaltation**
4.	 Sessional Hymn «Come, o ye faithful, and let us see where Christ was baptized…»
5.	 «From my youth…» (tone four***/****)
6.	 The Gospel reading (tone four**/****)
	 Canon tone 2*/** (katavasias tone 1 Melody of the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St.Sergius ison singing)
7.	 Ode 1
8.	 Ipakoi tone five*****
9.	 Ode 6 
10.	 Kontakion «Today Thou hast appeared to the universe…» (tone 4**)
	 Ikos «In heathen Galilee…»
11.	 Ode 9
12.	 «Let all that breathes praise the Lord…» (tone 1****)
13.	 «Stanza for the Praises Light of Light…» (tone 1*****)
14.	 «By the waters of the Jordan…» (tone six**)

*	 Znamenny chant
**	 Znamenny chant, ison singing
***	 Valaam chant
****	 Valaam chant, ison singing
*****	 Lesser Znamenny chant, ison singing

2 CD (booklet 20 pages)
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THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SELECTED HYMNS HIERODEACON GERMAN RYABTSEV CD booklet pages The Igor Matvienko Production Centre Epiphany the Baptism of the Lord is one of the Twelve Great feasts of the Russian Orthodox Church On that day Christ came to John the Baptist who was preaching on the Jordan River to be baptized by him The moment Jesus came up out of the water the heavens opened and John saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending on Jesus There was a voice of God the Father saying: This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased Thus John the Baptist realized Jesus was the due Messiah the Son of God The CD contains selected chants of the feast’s divine services and of the rite of the Great Sanctification of Water which on those days takes place in the churches on the rivers or at the springs The motets When Thou O Lord wast baptised in the Jordan and some others are performed with reverence by

THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SELECTED HYMNS HIERODEACON GERMAN (RYABTSEV) 2 CD (booklet 20 pages) 2004 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre Epiphany (the Baptism of the Lord) is one of the Twelve Great feasts of the Russian Orthodox Church. On that day Christ came to John the Baptist, who was preaching