The Moscow Churches’ Choir of Singers Precentor Anatoly Kuleshov
1 CD (colour booklet, 44 pages)
2003 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre |
|  This marvelous akathist was composed in the terrible times of Russian history. In 1917, on the 2 of March Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne, but that very day there happened an event that made many people recover their spirit. In the village of Kolomenskoe near Moscow a new icon of the Mother of God appeared, known as the «Derzhavnaya» icon. The Queen of heaven was depicted as an earthly queen there. In the years of cruel persecutions of the Church the icon didn’t cease to pour out the miraculous healings. Nowadays it still strengthens and consoles the believers, being one of the most loved and worshiped icons of the Mother of God.
St. Patriarch Tikhon took part in composing the Divine service and the akathist of Theotokos – the Queen and Protectress. The akathist is performed with reverence by the Moscow Churches’ Choir of Singers (Precentor Anatoly Kuleshov) in various chants and melodies, from classical Greek chant to severe monastic melody of the Sarov Hermitage.
1 CD, color booklet (44 pages) in Russian and in English with a narration on the history of the akathist and with the full text of the Praise to the Most Holy Mother of God.